Exercise programming for Special population: The purpose of this training is to provide practical, research based and relevant information for those people involved or wanting to be involved in the delivery of physical activity to those with specific health conditions, referred to as ‘special populations'. In the case of special populations participating in a fitness program is a crucial part of living a healthy life. They include people with
This training is also designed to complement any training qualification, as the information provided here is based on up-to-date research and information provided by relevant professional bodies.The more you exercise, the greater the health benefits are for the body and also the mind. So how exactly do we create an exercise program for special populations? There are four things we can do and we will cover each one in this post.
Here are the four things needed to do to effectively design an exercise program for the special needs population.

disabilities like autism, cerebral palsy and the likes. People with a spinal cord injury or an amputation are also considered part of special populations. In the training, we talk about description of each condition, Symptoms, risk factors associated with that condition, Physical activity benefits and specific guidelines.
Make a preliminary health assessment.
Let clients communicate their goals.
Before planning, prioritize what’s most needed.